Vintage Automobile Association of Western Australia (Inc).

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Mailing Address : The Secretary, Vintage Automobile Association of Western Australia, VAA of WA Inc.
PO Box 1399 Midland, DC 6936

Club Rooms : 19 Helen St Bellevue W.A. 6056

The following list is an abbreviated list of committee members for any one wishing to contact the VAA Wa Club.


President Brian Tucker 0428 803 606
Vice- President Domenic Paoliello 0407 446 682
Secretary Pauline Velden 0405 144 919
Treasurer Val Smith 0409 882 888
Events Co-ordinators Jack & Dianne McCracken 0412 874 031 or 0411 789 915
Registrar Dave Currell 0419 998 589
Vehicle Scrutineer Ray Roberts 0438 911 387
Librarian Martin Paine 9247 1729
Workshop Manager Bob de Jong 0400 064 937
Magazine editor Cheryl Glew 0432 239 349

(Note : For Western Australia Phone Prefix is "08" )

For a full list of 2023/24 Office Bearers click here )

OR E mail us....

The Registrar

The Editor




Home | About the Club | Concessional Licensing | Events | Cars of the VAA WA | Club Ameniities | Links | Contacts

Copyright © VAA WA (Inc)Perth, Western Australia.