Vintage Automobile Association of Western Australia (Inc).

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Club Amenities

The Vintage Automobile Association of Western Australia is pleased to offer its members a number of uaeful amenities including a monthly Club Magazine, clubrooms with a kitchen, a library and workshop aswell as a car trailer for hire at modest rates.


Our monthly club magazine contains updates from our committe members, minutes to the previous month's club meeting, articles on recent events, details of upcoming events, buy and sell and other articles of interest. A copy is posted or emailed each month a few days before the monthly general meeting.

Copies are also available on this site. click here for an index to the editions.

CLUBROOMS/WORKSHOP (19 Helen Street, Bellevue):

The club has its own clubrooms at 19 Helen Street Bellevue. The rooms have a large meeting area for monthly general meetings and other events. Their is a kitchen for tea and coffee and cold soft drinks for sale.

The rooms also have a well equiped workshop including a hoist and all members are welcome to use it. There will usually be qualified mechanics and enthusiastic fellow club members happy to give you a hand. Also, there are normally a few member projects on the way and helpers always welcome. The facility is open on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9AM to 12PM including smoko. Drop in and say hello or ring Bob de Jong (0400 064 937) to discuss what you would like to do.


The club has an interesting collection of workshop manuals, catalogues, guides and other interesting publication for older vehicles. There are also some CD's of historical club events. Items from the library can be viewed at the Clubrooms or taken on loan. Please contact Martin Paine (9247 1729), our librarian, for more details.

Click here for a list of the items in the library. Or, click here for an Excel copy if you would like to search or filter it.


The club has a car trailer for use by its members. MAXIMUM LOAD on the trailer is 1.2 TONNES (1200KG). The hire fee is $50 per hire (maximum 1 week). It is important that the trailer is used responsibly and safely at all times. To see the full trailer hire conditions please click here

To book the car trailer please complete the TRAILER BOOKING FORM click here

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Copyright © VAA WA (Inc)Perth, Western Australia.